Our team is committed to providing updated and accurate information to those affected by Long COVID. We know that it can be difficult to find helpful information about a condition that is new. That is why we aim to provide you with the information you need to better understand the condition and to seek evidence-based strategies proven to help those with Long COVID improve their quality of life and recover.
We share interviews with experts as well as the stories of people dealing with Long COVID. Visit our interviews page to see what experts and patients are sharing about Long COVID.
We also keep up with the latest science. Visit our scientific findings page to find explanations and summaries of what researchers and doctors are learning about Long COVID.
We understand how much Long COVID can disrupt your life. The physical and emotional toll of Long COVID can be huge. But there is hope – many Long COVID patients can see their symptoms improve with treatment and time. Visit our resources page, where we post tools to help you and your loved ones cope with Long COVID.
This project site is maintained by health communication researchers at Washington University. We are supported by the National Institutes of Health to engage patients experiencing Long COVID symptoms and their families.